A Troops to Solar Story: Karen Kinsley

As part of our Troops to Solar initiative, GRID Alternatives GLA is committed to hosting six installs with veteran teams for veteran homeowners.
This April we installed at Karen Kinsley’s home in San Pedro, California. Karen, a Navy veteran, initially stationed in Pensacola, Florida, separated from the military in 1981. Today she is currently an active member of the DAV (Disabled American Veterans).  

After arriving at Karen's home, the team immediately connected with her and she was super excited that other veterans were participating on the installation. Karen participated in the safety brief and afterwards walked the neighborhood with Nick Boateng, GRID Outreach Fellow and Veteran Liaison to share her story with her neighbors. Karen's energy, knowledge of the program and ability to connect with people made it one of the most exciting canvasses we've had to date!

We would like to thank the Kinsley family for their service and also for opening their doors to other veterans. We are also very grateful to the veterans that came out to the install and helped us give back to the community. If you know of any veteran homeowners who may qualify for our solar homes program or if you know of any veterans who would like volunteer with us, please contact Nick Boateng at 213-725-5121 or email nboateng@gridalternatives.org. 
