Kim Pham


Kim Pham is a former Naval Nuclear Officer. She was in the Navy for five and a half years, and studied nuclear engineering at UC Berkeley. Though she comes from an engineering background, Kim didn’t know much about how solar works, or about the growing solar industry. When she left the Navy in 2013, Kim took a year off to volunteer and figure out what to do besides nuclear engineering, She heard about GRID from a fellow nuclear engineer. “I was like, no way!,” says Kim, “so I headed straight to the website and made a volunteer profile right away.” From there, Kim sarted volunteering and got really involved because her life was, for that year, all volunteering and traveling. She soon came to the realization that she had started loving GRID and was unconsciously raving about it to everyone she knew. “It’s an amazing non-profit,” says Kim, “probably the best run non-profit I’ve worked with. They don’t just use you just as a warm body - you actually get a lot of training from it. i was hooked from the very beginning. I wanted to be a Team Leader from the get go.” Within two months Kim had qualified as Team Leader and today she is looking for a job as a solar designer.


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